Dept. of Trans.       PROGRESS   Serial No.  Contract No.                               
                                          10-202-13-38  03-3A2204                       
                PROGRESS PAYMENT VOUCHER  %complete:   %time:                           
Location:                                  74%          65%                             
03-NEV-80-28.1/31.8                    Federal Project:                                 
Progress payment No. 16            Payment period ending: 07-20-10                      
GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY                                                            
P O BOX 50085                                                                           
WATSONVILLE CA 950775085                                                                
Escrow No.  00000                                                                       
                                    Total Estimate   This Estimate                      
1. Contract Itms Without Mobil.      27,273,094.97    3,795,944.85                      
2.a. Extra Work                         507,681.19       43,863.53                      
  b. Adjustment Comp.                   174,379.93       -4,568.56                      
3. Materials on Hand                    433,643.16     -214,903.98                      
4. Earned Subject to Retention       28,388,799.25    3,620,335.84                      
5. Mobilization                       4,000,000.00            0.00                      
6. Total Work Completed   31,955,156.09                                                 
7. Deductions                           -34,287.00            0.00                      
8. a.Contract Retentions                                                                
   b. Unsatisfactory Prog.                                                              
   c. Reduction after 95% Comp.                                                         
9. Total pay to Contractor           32,354,512.25    3,620,335.84                      
10. Reduction Amt to Escrow                                                             
11. Payment to Escrow             0.00                                                  
12. Net Pymt. this Estimate                           3,620,335.84