Dept. of Trans.       PROGRESS   Serial No.  Contract No.                               
                                          09-328-16-12  03-3M4004                       
                PROGRESS PAYMENT VOUCHER  %complete:   %time:                           
Location:                                  86%          75%                             
03-NEV-80-21.2/28.1                    Federal Project:                                 
Progress payment No. 06            Payment period ending: 11-19-09                      
WINDSOR FUEL CO                                                                         
P O BOX 38                                                                              
WINDSOR CA 95492                                                                        
Escrow No.  00000                                                                       
                                    Total Estimate   This Estimate                      
1. Contract Itms Without Mobil.       3,828,474.77        7,731.25                      
2.a. Extra Work                          86,956.63       63,727.35                      
  b. Adjustment Comp.                  -199,781.47            0.00                      
3. Materials on Hand                                                                    
4. Earned Subject to Retention        3,715,649.93       71,458.60                      
5. Mobilization                          40,000.00            0.00                      
6. Total Work Completed    3,755,649.93                                                 
7. Deductions                                                                           
8. a.Contract Retentions               -185,782.50       -3,572.93                      
   b. Unsatisfactory Prog.                                                              
   c. Reduction after 95% Comp.                                                         
9. Total pay to Contractor            3,569,867.43       67,885.67                      
10. Reduction Amt to Escrow                                                             
11. Payment to Escrow             0.00                                                  
12. Net Pymt. this Estimate                              67,885.67