Dept. of Trans.       AFTER ACCEPTANCE   Serial No.  Contract No.                       
                                          03-233-09-12  08-3564U4                       
                PROGRESS PAYMENT VOUCHER  %complete:   %time:                           
Location:                                 100%         100%                             
08-RIV-71-2.6/G3.0                    Federal Project:                                  
Progress payment No. 34            Payment period ending: 07-17-03                      
LEHIGH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY                                                             
714 SOUTH PLYMOUTH BLVD                                                                 
LOS ANGELES CA 90005                                                                    
Escrow No.  01527                                                                       
                                    Total Estimate   This Estimate                      
1. Contract Itms Without Mobil.       5,527,463.54            0.00                      
2.a. Extra Work                         662,054.42       60,658.06                      
  b. Adjustment Comp.                    -9,228.79            0.00                      
3. Materials on Hand                                                                    
4. Earned Subject to Retention        6,180,289.17       60,658.06                      
5. Mobilization                          50,000.00            0.00                      
6. Total Work Completed    6,230,289.17                                                 
7. Deductions                          -358,733.35       -2,000.00                      
8. a.Contract Retentions               -304,854.14            0.00                      
   b. Unsatisfactory Prog.                                                              
   c. Reduction after 95% Comp.         304,854.14            0.00                      
9. Total pay to Contractor            5,871,555.82       58,658.06                      
10. Reduction Amt to Escrow            -304,850.00            0.00                      
11. Payment to Escrow       304,850.00                                                  
12. Net Pymt. this Estimate                              58,658.06